Why do young footballers require strength and conditioning training?

By Lew Coldham, UKSCA Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach

Football, like all field-based invasion sports requires a diverse library of movement skills and underpinning athletic qualities perform the required sport skills and tolerate the physical demands of the game.

Consistent and progressive strength and conditioning (S&C) training provides multiple benefits to a young players health and performance. These include the following:

Improving acceleration & maximum sprint speed

Acceleration and maximal velocity sprinting require large amounts of force to be produced and tolerated. Through S&C training we can improve the ability to produce the large amount of force propel the body forwards at the greatest speeds possible.

Improving change of direction

Due to the nature of multidirectional football, the ability to manoeuvre in multiple directions to manipulate the ball, and opposing players are vital skills, and require substantial athletic qualities to perform these actions optimally. Appropriate S&C training can serve to develop the efficiency of movement to improve technical execution.

Improved ball striking

Ball striking requires both the standing leg to provide stability and a braking action to allow the striking leg to swing explosively. Only 15% of the total force produced within the strike is absorbed by the ball itself so the body must act to develop the power for the strike and the braking action after the ball is hit. Strengthening of key muscle groups can improving kicking power and increase tolerance to the large forces from the kicking action.

Improved recoverability from training and games

The sport itself requires the capacity to perform these forceful actions repeatedly to maintain performance. S&C training enhances the body’s ability to tolerate the demands of the game and recover in less time.